- 1583-0608
- An apariție
- 2015
- Lună apariție
- 9
- Număr pagini
- 172
- Tip ediție
- broșată
- Format
- 150x235
- Colecție
- Domenii
Redactor-șef: Doru Buzducea
Editata de Facultatea de Sociologie si Asistenta Sociala a Universitatii Bucuresti
Stephen J. Cutler, Population Ageing and Volunteering in Romania • Minna Kivipelto, Sanna Blomgren, Paula Saikkonen, Pekka Karjalainen, Web‑Based Tool for Social Work Effectiveness Evaluation • Radosveta Dimitrova, Carmen Buzea, Vanja Ljujic, Venzislav Jordanov, Nationalistic Attitudes and Perceived Threat Determine Romaphobia among Bulgarian and Romanian Youth • Nina Mihaela Mihalache, Socioeconomic Facilitation Methods for Poverty Alleviation • Maria Diaconescu, Burnout, Secondary Trauma and Compassion Fatigue in Social Work • Aurora Elena Gavris, Sanctions that Can Be Imposed on Underage Offenders According to the New Criminal Code. A Case Study • Calina Ana Butiu, Parish Priests – Community Development Catalysts in the Isolated Rural Space • Roxana Bartos, The Complexity of the Social Worker Profession: Theoretical and Practical Aspects • Georgiana‑Cristina Rentea, Mobility within the European Union and the Access to Social Benefits: Challenges of Social Policies • Adrian Petru Pop, Access to Higher Education and Some Aspects of Integration and Educational Engagement of Students Enrolled in Social Work Programs. A Comparative Study • Remus Runcan, Facebookmania – The Psychical Addiction to Facebook and Its Incidence on the Z Generation • Elisaveta Draghici, The Importance of Day Care Centers in the Life of the Disabled People and Their Families • Flavia‑Petronela Medrut, Extracurricular and Leisure Activities as Predictors of Adolescent Substance Use • Daniela Romila, Ana‑Maria Roman, The Social Worker – A Major Player in the Integration of Students with Mental Disabilities in Mainstream Schools
- An apariție
- 2015
- Lună apariție
- 9
- Număr pagini
- 172
- Tip ediție
- broșată
- Format
- 150x235
Despre autori