- Mariana NICOLAE
- Dosar de presă
The Economic Force of Women, edited by Andreea Paul, is not only a necessary book for the Romanian publishing field, it is also a well-written and easy to read one, being extremely interesting and inciting. A summary in English as well as the contents presented in English would have given the book more international visibility and possibly trigger an incentive to have it translated and, thus, accessible to a much larger audience that it has today. The conclusions offered by the editor herself are very revealing and some worth mentioning here. Using a corpus linguistic approach to her text, Andreea Paul is able to conclude that the main drivers for women entrepreneurs in Romania are work, success and dreams (words appearing in more than 100 contexts) while change, team work, planning, achievement, power, family, children and personal development are the background for their activities (words appearing more than 50 times). Leadership and innovation appear, somehow surprisingly, less than 10 times. This is relevant for the type of values women entrepreneurship have in Romania and their need for responsible leaders and decision-makers to support Romanian capital and drive the country forward.